Tag: Peter L. Falkingham
Like many palaeontologists, Peter has always had a fascination with past life, particularly dinosaurs. He studied biology and geology at the University of Bristol, UK (2000–03), and followed this with a master’s degree in the department of computer science at the same university (2003–04). He spent some time volunteering and then working at the Yorkshire Museum in York, UK, as a documentation assistant, before undertaking a PhD in the department of Earth sciences at the University of Manchester, UK (2006–10). His PhD, entitled Computer Simulation of Dinosaur Tracks, was carried out at the University of Manchester, and he remained there working on data acquisition and visualization of dinosaur tracksites, until the end of 2011. In February 2012, he began a three-year Marie Curie International outgoing fellowship at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, and the Royal Veterinary College in London, using fossil tracks to explore the locomotor evolution of theropod dinosaurs.
Contact Details:
Dr Peter L. Falkingham Department of Comparative Biomedical Sciences, Structure and Motion Laboratory, Royal Veterinary College, London, UK and Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Division of Biology and Medicine, Brown University, USA