Tag: Amy P. Jones
Amy is a nannopalaeontologist and current PhD student at the University of Birmingham, UK. Her research investigates the diversity changes in calcareous nannoplankton communities at low-latitude assemblages through the Palaeogene and Neogene periods. Additionally, she is looking into coccolithophore macroevolution during these intervals exploring the “how and why” climate changes through specific intervals contribute to vast effects on nannofossils communities; for example, the relationship between nannofossils and carbon dioxide. Amy completed her masters at the University of Birmingham in 2016, in Applied and Petroleum Micropalaeontology while her bachelor’s degree was achieved in Palaeontology at the University of Portsmouth. Amy enjoys participating in public outreach with the University of Birmingham and the Lapworth Museum of Geology, but usually she can be found looking down her microscope. In her spare time, she enjoys hiking, wildlife photography and lazy days with her dogs.
Contact Details:
School of Geography, Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham, UK.